Professional Gafta approved fumigation

We carry out professional and safe crop fumigation services all around Hungary. Our work quality is assured by the internationally recognized GAFTA certification. If you want to entrust the pest control of your storage or commodity to precise hands: feel free to contact us!

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Although our Ltd was founded in 2022, our team is made up of professionals with decades of pest control experience. Thanks to our field knowledge and reliability, we are continuously present on the market to the great delight of satisfied customers. We aim to fulfill our orders in high quality and as quickly as possible.


We perform fumigation on 200.000+ tons of grains every year. We guarantee our jobs and in urgent cases we complete the work even within 48 hours. In addition to crop fumigation, we also do surface and air disinfection of silos, flat storage facilities, and halls, as well as insect and rodent extermination.


We should never ignore the fact that in areas where the pests once appeared and multiplied, they found favorable living conditions, so it is possible for them to settle again even after the extermination has been carried out. Extermination can only give perfect results if it is repeated regularly or if at the same time sufficient attention is paid to prevention. During prevention, we create conditions that make it difficult for pests to re-enter or, if they do enter, prevent their settlement and reproduction.

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Our services

  • Crop fumigation
    – Fumigation of bulk commodities in flat storages
    – Fumigation of bulk commodities in silos
    – Fumigation of Big-Bag bagged goods
    – Head-space / open space fumigation
  • Disinfection: surface and air disinfection of flat storage facilities, silos, halls
  • Rodent extermination: ridding factories, plants, farms of rodents
  • Insect extermination: in factories, plants, farms
  • Protection against birds
  • Protection against ticks



We carry out our work with a guarantee under appropriate storage conditions and building conditions!


We carry out our crop fumigation activities with internationally recognized Gafta certification!


Our small & flexible team performs fumigations even with a 48-hour deadline in case of urgency!

If you’d like more information or a price quote, please send us a message below:

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