Services for Corporate Clients
Pantonelli Ltd. is actively working with multinational clients. As a result of recent years’ cooperative work, we go beyond the integration of fumigation, disinfection and pest control. We are also providing reporting and further complementary services to them to meet their needs for more quality control and transparency.
Integration & Prevention
- Crop Fumigation
- Scheduled Pest Control
- Continuous Disinfection
Monthly Trend Analysis
- Feeding Box Map Updates
- Trend Analysis Evaluation
- Fumigation & Pest Control Report
Weekly Inspection
- Feeding Boxes
- Rodent Monitoring Traps
- Pest Control Schedule
For Each Visit
- Pest Control Report
- Fumigation Report
- Unsealing Report
Pantonelli Ltd is committed to and a believer in quality work. Our team had been the first fumigator in Hungary to win the title of “Licensed Fumigator” from Gafta (Grain and Feed Trade Association, operating in the United Kingdom). Gafta conducts an annual audit at our company, during which food safety and employee safety always have a prominent role.
Address: 1204 Budapest, Versec u. 9.
Company Reg. Num.: 01-09-401275
Tax ID: 27866755-2-43

[ Permission issued by: Government Office of Budapest / XX. District Office / Department of Public Health. Case number: BP-20/NEO/24403-3/2022 // Mr. Zoltan Nabradi lead fumigator’s EEKH registration number: 205433 ]
Professional Crop Fumigation
In Hungary, the industry needs to ensure the proper storage and protection of millions of tons of crops every year.
Crop fumigation is a special field of expertise. Fumigation in Hungary is done exclusively with phosphorus-hydrogen (PH3) gas. To develop the gas, aluminum and magnesium phosphides are used, from which PH3 develops under the influence of air humidity. It is important to know that PH3 is highly toxic (traffic category I) and can cause serious or even fatal poisoning if inhaled.

Fumigants can only be obtained, stored and used by licensed fumigators. During use, the fumigator informs the responsible manager and his/her crew about the regulations to be followed and the most important rules in the permissions and material safety sheets. In the fumigated area, the gas first spreads downwards, then usually in all directions (it travels about one meter in grain per day). However, it cannot penetrate appropriately in wet, compacted commodities or in dusty or crumbly areas.
This method enables the crop to be fumigated on site. By design it is a simple and fast method that can be used both indoors and outdoors: on bulk or bagged goods, bulk produce placed in buildings, wagons, ships, barges and containers.
Silo fumigation
Silo fumigation is most efficiently done by pulling the commodity from one silo to an other and applying phosphyne. Fumigant types: pellets, tablets, balls or pouches.
Fumigation of mills, empty spaces
One of the possible ways of disinfecting mills or large empty spaces is fumigation. Before carrying out the fumigation, the building must be completely evacuated and the building must be perfectly insulated in order to achieve the appropriate efficiency.
Since the substance used during fumigation is highly toxic and also carries a fire and explosion hazard, compliance with safety regulations is essential. Fumigation therefore can only be performed by a professional, licensed fumigator.
Pest Control & Disinfection

Rodent Control
The legal basis for rodent control is provided by the Act on Health and the Epidemiological Decree. Our service is organically linked to the above regulations, we carry out rat and mouse extermination for our partners using the most modern methods and equipment.
Fittings must be used for the placement of rodenticides. In the feeding area, only a lockable fitting with inlet and outlet openings (divided internally) can be used, which must be designed in such a way that its use (e.g. chewing marks, consumption) is clearly visible during the inspection. The feeding boxes must be marked with an ID (eg. an Arabic number). The placed, numbered feeding boxes must be marked on the floor plan used as a rodent control map.
The fittings are made of plastics that can be recycled with appropriate technology, are durable, and withstand weather conditions well. Due to their possible damage and the risk caused by the posing inside, a sign draws attention to them (on which the date of inspections must be marked). Where possible, the fittings must be secured against displacement by screwing or taping to the floor. At outdoor feeding areas only non-scattering, anti-coagulant active baits can be used.
Our mission is to help create a pest-free, clean environment for people and farm animals, in such a way that we always achieve this by using the most modern materials and processes that are least harmful to the environment.
We carry out the rodent control with maximum safety, and then carefully maintain the long-term rodent-free condition. All rodenticides we use are equipped with BITREX protection. It is an extremely bitter compound, the taste of which is not felt by mice and rats (only by farm animals and people). Accidental poisoning is not possible!

Insect Control
Insect extermination is carried out using colourless, odourless active substances that are completely harmless to humans and the environment. Insect extermination can only be carried out effectively systematically and on an extensive basis for the entire plant. Depending on the degree of infestation and the customer’s needs, we use a combination of different insect extermination methods and technologies.

We carry out the treatment with a high-pressure sprayer or a cold/warm fog generator. Using these tools we can distribute the appropriate insecticidal preparation to the entire area of the warehouse. This way, the warehouse becomes completely pest-free before storage, which can greatly increase the long-term protection of the grain quality.
The most important means of protection is prevention, i.e. it is essential to clean and disinfect the empty warehouses and silos before storing the crop.
Disinfection can serve on the one hand as preventive protection, on the other hand, to eliminate the infection that has already developed and eliminate further losses.